5The Federal Government seedling program through “PFRA” ended in the spring of 2013. The M.D. of Smoky River, realizing the environmental importance of continuing to have trees planted devised our own program with the cooperation of Woodmere Nurseries in Fairview. The program was developed as a cost-recovery initiative. Woodmere grows seedlings and made them available through the M.D. to our ratepayers, as well as residents of the Towns and Villages within the M.D. The M.D. program started in 2014 with white spruce and lodgepole pine. Over the years it has grown to include a number of other coniferous and deciduous species, with slight changes each year depending on what Woodmere can establish on our behalf.
In an effort to reduce the number of orders which we are unable to fill we will start taking orders approx. mid-January in 2025 for 2025 delivery. Watch this website and follow our Facebook page to be alerted when our new order form becomes available.
The M.D. has available a mulch applicator and seedling planter (see the rental equipment tab for rates). Both work extremely well when planting seedlings in rows, the soil should be loose (tilled) so fall preparation is best.
Contact the M.D. if you are interested in purchasing plastic mulch, it is possible with inter-municipal co-operation that it can be made available.
Contact the Agricultural Fieldman if you have any questions on the program, or seedling species which we are making available at 780-837-2221 ext: 115.
Find the order form here MD of Smoky River seedling tree order form 2025 – Diligent Community}