The A.S.B. operates pesticide container collection sites in the area. Sites are located at the Guy, Whitemud and Jean Cote landfills and are open during regular landfill hours. The main site is located near Falher at the Smoky River Regional Waste Commission landfill.
This program is operated throughout the prairie provinces in collaboration with CleanFarms Canada. Every fall, a contractor is hired to collect and shred empty rinsed pesticide containers, which are then recycled into items such as plastic fence posts or curb stops, or they are incinerated at high temperatures for the creation of energy.
Only empty rinsed pesticide containers are collected through this program, leftover pesticides are collected periodically through an Obsolete Pesticide Collection program also operated in collaboration with CleanFarms Canada.
For more information contact the Ag. Fieldman at 780-837-2221 ext 115, or email: