The MD of Smoky River is developing a Municipal Development Plan (MDP)!
What is a Municipal Development Plan?
The MDP is a long-range strategic document intended to guide the growth and development of a municipality into the future.
It identifies the vision, principles, goals and objectives that a municipality has set for itself on a long-range timeline. Typical MDPs reach approximately 20 years into the future, and may have goals and objectives that are achievable over a 1 to 5 year period, 6 to 10 years, and 11 or more years.
Best practice is to review MDPs every five years to ensure they remain relevant and up-to-date with the needs and wants of the community. The MD of Smoky River has not updated the community’s long-range plan since 2005.
What is in an MDP?
MDPs generally encompass a range of topic areas that may be considered the building blocks of a municipality.
It must address several areas including:
- Future land use and development;
- Transportation systems;
- Intermunicipal planning; and
- Municipal services and facilities.
The MDP may also address:
- Environmental issues;
- Economic constraints; and
- Financial resources.
YOU are the key to understanding how the MD will change and grow into the future.
Currently Underway:
Community Consultation
Step 1: Municipal Survey – Complete
Step 2: Community Survey Report