Hello Northern Alberta,


You may have noticed directional drills, hydrovacs, excavators and a lot of trucks in your area lately. We are very pleased to share that Peace Country founded Canadian Fiber Optics and our sister company Northern Lights Fiber (who provides internet connectivity and support solutions to homes, Small businesses and Commercial sites) are both working hard to build brand new fiber optics and bring huge volumes of internet and WiFi to rural homes, businesses and industry. Our investments will reach thousands of homes and businesses over the next three years.


Please also note that we are already serving Grande Cache, Beaverlodge, Wembley, Valleyview, Sexsmith, Fairview, Grimshaw, High Prairie, Fox Creek as well as Calmar and Millet in central Alberta so if you live there please connect and sign up with us here: Home – Northern Lights Fiber


If you live in communities not mentioned in the above or rural areas, you may be part of what we call Project Aurora. Please visit us here: Project Aurora – Northern Lights Fiber to learn more about us, about our products, our pricing and to stay up to date on Project Aurora. We will provide updates including coverage area and schedule on our website as well as social media.


Please be patient with us as we work to plan and schedule building over 1600 kilometers of new infrastructure to serve the Region. Please also know that we are going to make a mess as we build, but also that we are going to clean it up. Our Crews in the field are working as fast as they can, please help keep them safe when you drive by and feel free to give them a wave! As we work to finalize our schedule, please express your interest in better internet by signing a Fiber Access Agreement here: Fiber Access Request (FAR) – Northern Lights Fiber. This gives us permission to build a ‘drop’ or fiber access all the way to your home or business. We can’t build to every single house and business in the Peace but by signing the access agreement, we can work with local government to show the interest and get more of your homes and businesses connected.


Thank you kindly


Jodi Bloomer-Kaput

Co-Founder & President

Canadian Fiber Optics Corp. and Northern Lights Fiber